Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

how to make software portabel

What is a portable software?

portable software is software that bias is used but without the need to be installed first, the core software can be directly used to advance his editing the registry, we can also create their own portable software, the following steps his way to make portable software:

1. software that we will make samples for this experiment is a free "Opera browser". can be downloaded in advance at

2. The next tool needed is which can be downloaded at

3. The next tool needed is WinRar.

4. Ok, then run'd have to download software to edit the registry before the "portable" it.

5. Install "Opera Browser" you who have downloaded earlier.

6. Now take another snapshot, to see the changes that have been 'done' opera
After the snapshot two times, do compare.

7. See the changes in the registry, (Note the directory HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) and HKEY_Current_Machine (HKCM) only) registry that has changed happened on the green.

8. Create a new folder to store files for the purposes of making software portable.

9. run –> ketikkan “regedit” [tanpa tanda kutip] –> OK) untuk me-Export regisrty." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Now, open the registry editor (Start -> run -> type "regedit" [without quotes] -> OK) to Export regisrty. Software –> Opera Software –> lalu Export" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">To HKCU select HKCU -> Software -> Opera Software -> Export and then

10. Software –> Netscape –> Netscape Navigator –> Opera –> main –> Export" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">And then save it in a folder with the name oport1.reg OPORT, o HKCM select -> Software -> Netscape -> Netscape Navigator -> Opera -> play -> Export

11. Save with the name of the folder OPORT oport2.reg.

12. UNREG then make it so the software that we run / execution does not leave traces in the registry.

13. How to create unregnya, note oport1.reg and oport2.reg or copas code below into notepad and save the code below into the folder with the name unreg.reg OPORT

Windows Registry Editor Version 4:00
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareOpera Software]
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARENetscapeNetscape NavigatorOperamain]

The second line is to uninstall oport1.reg
The third line is to uninstall oport2.reg

Now copy all the files in C: program to the folder OPORT filesopera
Open notepad, copas code brought
regedit / s reg1.reg
regedit / s reg2.reg
regedit / s unreg.reg

store with a setup.bat

14. Delete all files except files with extension. EXE

15. OUT!

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